Today is the day you can find hope and healing.
Are you struggling with an addiction?
Are you living in a pattern of unhealthy relationships?
Are you reeling from other hurts, habits, or hang-ups?
Hope and healing can be found in Jesus Christ as we Celebrate Recovery at Compass Church AZ.
Celebrate Recovery meets on Thursday Nights at 6:30 P.M.
Here for You
Celebrate Recovery ministry is here to offer fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the “8 Recovery Principles.” This experience allows us to“be changed.” We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our lives´ problems. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power – Jesus Christ, the one and only true Higher Power.
Use the form below to reach out to Terry and learn more about Celebrate Recovery.
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right
if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.
— Reinhold Niebuhr